Sign up for my newsletter!

hey friend!

If you’d like to stay on top of what’s up with me and where we’ll be next, you can join our mailing list! I typically only send a few a year, so it shouldn’t flood your inbox with noise! Just info you can use! Like when and where we’re shooting next!

We’re also on social media and we love to hear from you! Say hi!

Thinking about a portrait session? I got you!

Hello gorgeous!

Coming to check me out before you book your portrait session with me? I’m so glad! Come through and let me show you some of the magic I create in my portrait sessions!


I love love love taking photos of people… it’s definitely one of my love languages! My website is currently being renovated, so in the meanwhile, welcome to my personal blog! Get a cup of tea and stay awhile! There’s lots to see.


So, first things first. Hi! I’m your friend neighborhood photographer and doula who is currently traveling around the country and the world, looking for gorgeous people like you to photograph!

Here are some favorites….

161204 adp family on beach 48.jpg160610 adp AleFil fampor 19adp family reading booksadp melgarpre 047ADP_110605_HarFam 047adp_meyfampor 23adp melgarpre 006160610 adp KouWag fampor 35

I’ll post some whole sessions in the next couple of days. But if you can’t wait, I’ve got good news – You can also find me on social media of course, click your favorite below!

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

We’re housesitting!

hello gorgeous!

On to a new adventure… we came back from our travels to find that our housing plans for our return to the Bay Area had fallen through. It was super disappointing and a little scary at first but you know nothing keeps me down. Not for long.


So we started housesitting and we’ve decided we’d like to keep doing it!! Yay for all you travelers out there who need someone to look after your home and pets! It’s a great way to continue exploring the Bay Area (which I’m totally jazzed about) and also a great way for us to save some mulah (which C is totally jazzed about) while we figure out our next traveling plans.

So far we’ve taken care of a beautiful family home with a dog and two cats in Oakland, and now we’re taking care of a sophisticated spot in the city! It’s really fun to be back in San Francisco, where C and I first met and started our life together. Now we get to show the kiddos some of our favourite old haunts!

So, me lovelies! If you or anyone you know needs their home or pets taken care of, drop us an email! We’d love to connect with you and see if we’re a good fit!



on the haphazard postings

I have a problem. As you may know, I take photos every day. Every. single. day. Usually with my big girl but sometimes with whatever I can reach, my iPhone or Cameron’s or … but the problem comes because this means that I daily have anywhere between 1 and hundreds of images to upload to my computer, sort through, cull, edit, backup, share… and I haven’t been very good about doing this in a timely way… thus all my friends and family teasing me about how long it takes me to share images. I don’t mean to take so long. It’s just.




Brain ‘splosion.

Anyway, I’m working on the last few months worth of images right now and this means that I’ll be posting more of them here. But I may not do it in any order that makes sense to you. Luckily, this is my blog so it only has to make sense (or not) to me. Right? Ha. I’m just trying to explain in advance why posts with past dates may appear in the future. Okay. That seems clear as mud now so I should probably get while the goings good.

ajira darch photography blowing raspberries

I know it’s not everyone’s cuppa but I love this blurry shot. I think it’s very much an accurate capture of his personality. The kid moves at the speed of light and finds peace in movement. It’s just his jam. So, I have a lot of blurry shots of him. I like this one because he’s in front of this big bank of shelves full of Cameron’s pots that we have at home. It’s also the space where the two of them do their Gracie games and basically it gives me the warm fuzzies. And for me, that’s often all I need to know the shot is a keeper! That and the fact that my precious is the subject! 😀

Super thrilled

Looks like all the posts from my old posterous iphone pics blog have successfully transferred here. I’m thrilled. If someone can tell me how to add tags to all those posts without manually going through each and single one, I’d be thrilled. holla. For real, yo. 😀

Also. Today was a little cray. We went to park day and just had non-stop drama with a couple kids who were behaving rather unkindly to HRG. Definitely challenged me to stay calm and connected. Work in progress, hey?

Right. Back to editing. Thanks for stopping by.

transfering posterous posts now!

I’ve been keeping an informal visual journal on posterous for a few years now. Basically posting iPhone pics there whenever I’d think about it. I liked having it. But Posterous has gone away and I’ve been trying to salvage the post. I think, if I can manage it, I’ll be trying to consolidate past blogs here on this one. So there’s just one online record of everything. Wish me luck.


So, I’m doing the transfer right now. Hope it goes smoothly.