His first show!

Oh! So proud of Cameron today for an awesome first show! It was amazing to pull up to The Potter’s Studio today and see pots displayed on shelves outside and then walk into the gallery and see even more pots displayed.

Oh. Didn’t I mention? Cameron makes pots these days. It’s a passion he’s just fallen into and he makes incredible pots. I always want to keep every. single. one.

I’m completely in love with this firing. Such beautiful, deep, glassy greens and that red! I love the deep red flowing into brown and the bits that lean toward a light purpley pink and then surprise you with tiny blue flecks. So pretty. And the shapes! Man. The tall goblets, the more squat ones, the gorgeous bowls and the plates! It all just makes me want to fill my house with people and flowers and food. So I can use these pots everyday. Which I do, ha! Anyway.

On the drive to The Pottery Studio, I was telling the kiddo that we were heading to see daddy’s pots in the Spring Show and he quickly interjected with, ‘but not OUR pots, right?!!’ It was so cute. I swiftly reassured him that OUR pots were not for sale in the show and he sighed in relief. So adorable.

I usually see Cameron’s pots for the first time when they’re fresh off the wheel. And he’s so prolific that I don’t always remember the pot right away when I see it after it’s been fired and he’s brought it home. The process from making to firing takes a while. It’s an incredibly time intensive craft and there’s something beautiful about that. About the folks who have the patience to take that time to bring their visions to life. And I thought using and developing film was time intensive, ha!

It was a treat to visit the gallery and see Cameron’s pots there. So exciting to witness the fruition of his labour. The show continues tomorrow and right through next weekend. Hope to see you there! And hope I’ll get to show you some pics of these gorgeous pots sometime soon!

So… you can read more about how Cameron came into pottery on his blog and see pics of his pots in progress on his facebook page. And tomorrow through next weekend, you can go hold and look at his pots in person at:

The Potter’s Studio
637 Cedar Street
Berkeley, CA 94710